ADDENDUM: Design Build Services for Railroad Bridge, Segment B, TIGER Grant Project (Jeffersonville)
PORT OF INDIANA-JEFFERSONVILLEJEFFERSONVILLE, CLARK COUNTY, INDIANA ADDENDUM NO. 1 DATED FEBRUARY 13, 2020 TO Design Build Services for Railroad Bridge, Segment B, TIGER Grant Project, Port of Indiana -JeffersonvilleCONTRACT JF-1809-C2 PREPARED BY PORTS OF INDIANAENGINEERING DEPARTMENT To: Bidders For The Above Described Project: The following revisions are hereby incorporated
ADDENDUM: Segment A1 – Waterfront Loop Embankment Construction (Jeffersonville)
PORT OF INDIANA-JEFFERSONVILLEJEFFERSONVILLE, CLARK COUNTY, INDIANA ADDENDUM NO. 1 DATED FEBRUARY 14, 2020 TO Segment A1 – Waterfront Loop Embankment ConstructionTIGER Grant Award ID # DTMA91G1600003A Contract JF-1807-C2 PREPARED BY PORTS OF INDIANAENGINEERING DEPARTMENT To: Bidders For The Above Described Project: The following revisions are hereby incorporated into the contract
PROJECT: Segment C – East Rail Extension & Intramodal Yard (Jeffersonville)
Deadline: February 17, 2020 NOTICE TO BIDDERSJanuary 30, 2020 PROJECT: Port of Indiana-JeffersonvilleSegment C – East Rail Extension & Intramodal YardTIGER Grant Award ID # DTMA91G1600003AContract JF-1901-C Notice is hereby given that sealed bids for Segment C – East Rail Extension & Intramodal
PROJECT: Segment A1 – Waterfront Loop Embankment Construction (Jeffersonville)
Deadline: February 17, 2020 NOTICE TO BIDDERS January 30, 2020 PROJECT: Port of Indiana-JeffersonvilleSegment A1 – Waterfront Loop Embankment ConstructionTIGER Grant Award ID # DTMA91G1600003AContract JF-1807-C2 Notice is hereby given that sealed bids for Segment A1 – Waterfront Loop Embankment Construction, Contract JF-1807-C2,
PROJECT: Design Build Services for Railroad Bridge, Segment B, TIGER Grant Project, (Jeffersonville)
Deadline: February 14, 2020 NOTICE OF A REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS January 31, 2020 PROJECT: Port of Indiana-JeffersonvilleTruck-To-Rail and Rail-To-Water Improvements, TIGER Grant FY 2015 Segment B – Railroad BridgeGrant Award ID # DTMA91G1600003A Contract JF-1809-C2 Notice is hereby given that sealed and verified Statements of Qualifications
Port of Indiana-Burns Harbor to Host First Commissioning Ceremony in Indiana for a U.S. Navy Vessel
[custom_frame_right][/custom_frame_right] PORTAGE, Ind. – (July 16, 2019) -- The Port of Indiana-Burns Harbor will host Indiana’s first U.S. Navy vessel commissioning ceremony when it commissions the USS Indianapolis littoral combat ship on Saturday, Oct. 26 at its facility on Lake Michigan. The
Rubber-Tire Gantry Cranes Roll through Port of Indiana-Burns Harbor for First Time in History
[custom_frame_right][/custom_frame_right] PORTAGE, Ind. – (June 28, 2019) -- For the first time in its nearly 50-year history, Port of Indiana-Burns Harbor welcomed general cargo vessel HC Melina carrying a unique shipment of two, large rubber-tire gantry (RTG) cranes destined for the
Ports of Indiana Receives Green Marine Environmental Certification for All Ports, the First Network on Inland Waterway System
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. – (June 6, 2019) -- The Ports of Indiana has received the coveted Green Marine certification for all three of its port locations for its commitment to advance environmental sustainability initiatives. It is the first state-wide port authority
Port of Indiana-Burns Harbor Receives 2019 Northwest Indiana Partners for Clean Air Industrial Award
[custom_frame_right][/custom_frame_right] PORTAGE, Ind. – (May 6, 2019) - The Northwest Indiana Partners for Clean Air (PCA) has selected the Port of Indiana-Burns Harbor to receive the 2019 PCA Industrial Award. This award is in recognition of the voluntary actions taken in
Port of Indiana-Burns Harbor Branches Out
[custom_frame_right][/custom_frame_right] [May 2, 2019] PORTAGE, Ind. - Ports of Indiana CEO Vanta E. Coda II and Port of Indiana-Burns Harbor Port Director Ian Hirt joined volunteers representing businesses at the Port of Indiana-Burns Harbor, the Wildlife Habitat Council and the United States