ADDENDUM NO. 1: Port Entrance Sign Fabrication
PORT OF INDIANA-JEFFERSONVILLEJEFFERSONVILLE, CLARK COUNTY, INDIANA ADDENDUM NO. 1 DATEDAPRIL 21, 2020 TO Port Entrance Sign FabricationCONTRACT CO-2001-C PREPARED BY PORTS OF INDIANAENGINEERING DEPARTMENT To: Bidders For The Above Described Project: The following revisions are hereby incorporated into the contract documents: 1. Due Date – The due date/time and
PROJECT: Ports Entrance Sign Fabrication
Deadline: April 22, 2020 NOTICE TO BIDDERSApril 8, 2020 PROJECT: Ports Entrance Sign FabricationContract CO-2001-C Notice is hereby given that sealed bids for the Ports of Indiana Project: Port Entrance Sign Fabrication, under Contract CO-2001-C, will be received at the Ports of Indiana-Central
Ports of Indiana Reflects on Environmental Progress on Earth Day 2020
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (April 21, 2020) –As Earth Day reaches its milestone 50th Anniversary on April 22, Ports of Indiana reflects on its progress and long-term commitment to environmental stewardship, including its membership to the binational Green Marine Program. “Each year
First ocean vessel of 2020 Arrives at Port of Indiana-Burns Harbor Traditional Ceremony Canceled Due to COVID-19 Precautions
PORTAGE, Ind – (April 13, 2020) The first ocean-going vessel arrived today at the Port of Indiana-Burns Harbor, thereby commencing the 2020 international shipping season. Port officials welcomed the M/V Muntgracht, a 466-foot general cargo carrier, after her five-day voyage
Port of Indiana-Mount Vernon Completes $2 Million Capital Improvement Project Investments Include New Overhead Gantry Crane, Concrete Floor in General Cargo Terminal
MOUNT VERNON, Ind. (April 10, 2020) –The Port of Indiana-Mount Vernon recently completed a $2 million capital improvement project geared toward attracting more cargo to the southwest Indiana port. The 40-year-old general cargo terminal facility has a new concrete floor
Ports of Indiana Celebrates 5th Annual ‘Ports Day’ on April 5 – 2020 Event Recognizes Value of Western Hemisphere Ports to COVID-19 Response
[custom_frame_right] [/custom_frame_right] INDIANAPOLIS (March 31, 2020) – Ports of Indiana will join the American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA) in celebrating the fifth annual “Western Hemisphere Ports Day” again this year on April 5. Typically slated to commemorate the maritime
Ports of Indiana Commission Elects New Chairman Vincent Replaces Kaczmarek after 15 years of Service
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (March 3, 2020) – The Ports of Indiana Commission selected Micah Vincent as its next chair during its last meeting. The vice president of strategy + M&A at The Heritage Group, Vincent succeeds Ken Kaczmarek, who previously served as
Governor Holcomb appoints Micah Vincent and David Fagan to Ports of Indiana Commission
[custom_frame_right] [/custom_frame_right] INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (February 26, 2020) – Indiana Governor Eric J. Holcomb has appointed Micah Vincent and David Fagan to the Ports of Indiana Commission. Vincent serves as Vice President of Strategy + M&A at The Heritage Group. Fagan
Port of Indiana-Burns Harbor Receives 2019 South Shore Clean Cities Sustainability Leadership Award
[custom_frame_right] [/custom_frame_right] MICHIGAN CITY, Ind. (Feb. 26, 2020) – At its annual conference and expo, South Shore Clean Cities (SSCC) presented Port of Indiana-Burns Harbor the 2019 Sustainability Leadership Award for showing extraordinary leadership in making strides to the sustainable
ADDENDUM: Segment C – East Rail Extension & Intramodal Yard (Jeffersonville)
PORT OF INDIANA-JEFFERSONVILLEJEFFERSONVILLE, CLARK COUNTY, INDIANA ADDENDUM NO. 1 DATED FEBRUARY 13, 2020 TO Segment C – East RailExtension & Intramodal Yard (Jeffersonville)CONTRACT JF-1901-C PREPARED BY PORTS OF INDIANAENGINEERING DEPARTMENT To: Bidders For The Above Described Project: The following revisions are hereby incorporated into the contract documents: 1. Due Date